EPSILON is a textile company specialising in the development and manufacture of professional technical clothing, sportswear and children's clothing.
Since its creation, Epsilon has been based on a strong social commitment and a major involvement in respect for the environment, while constantly aiming for economic growth.

To meet the challenge of sustaining its activities over the long term, Epsilon operates around its five core values: technical expertise, responsiveness, respect, continuous improvement and sustainable development. In this way, we place people at the heart of our company's development. Similarly, a social charter is shared with all our employees in order to instil our values and forge our identity.

This Social Charter defines the ethical values as well as the control and evaluation points that Epsilon wishes to respect and ensure that all its stakeholders respect. It confirms our commitment to scrupulously following Malagasy regulations and ILO conventions.

1.1 - No recourse to child labour

Epsilon and its stakeholders do not employ anyone below the legal minimum working age.

1.2 - No forced labour

Employees of Epsilon and its stakeholders work of their own free will and under a valid employment contract. No employee may perform his or her duties under duress or intimidation of any kind.

1.3 - Anti-discrimination

Epsilon and its stakeholders are committed to respecting human rights and to treating all employees fairly and without discrimination, without exception. Decisions on recruitment, salaries, bonuses, training opportunities, mobility and promotion, disciplinary practices and dismissal must be made on the basis of the employee's ability to perform the job and not on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs such as origin, nationality, gender, religion, age, disability, marital status, parenthood, membership of an association or trade union, sexual orientation or political affiliation.

1.4 - Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Epsilon and its stakeholders are committed to respecting the right of employees to form and join associations and to bargain collectively. In addition, we ensure effective communication with our employees and their representatives.

1.5 - Disciplinary practice

Our employees are treated with respect and dignity. No employee can be subjected to threat or verbal, psychological, physical or sexual abuse, neither fines nor financial deductions.
The company’s rules of procedures are written and conveyed to our employees. Each employee is given the chance to defend himself in case of disciplinary proceeding.

2.1 - Salary and bonus

Epsilon and its stakeholders are obliged to pay employees the equivalent of their work over a given period and at regular intervals. Our salary scale must never be below the legal minimum. We also undertake to pay overtime at the applicable legal rate

2.2 - Decent working hours

Epsilon and its stakeholders apply decent working hours in accordance with local regulations, i.e. 40 normal hours and 20 overtime hours per week. Moreover, Epsilon follows the strictest requirements in terms of working hours by complying with the specific benchmarks applied and required by customers.

2.3 - Regularity of employment
A proper employment contract should be drawn up by Epsilon and its stakeholders with all their employees as soon as they join the company. Contracts of indefinite duration should be preferred wherever possible. Temporary work should be excluded from the supply chain in order to promote sustainable employment.

2.4 - Health and safety

Epsilon and its stakeholders ensure a safe and healthy working environment. We implement health and safety practices that prevent accidents and injuries. This commitment involves the provision of a clean and ergonomic working environment; and a safe and healthy working environment.

Epsilon and its stakeholders ensure that all employees are aware of this Charter through the appropriate channels (posters, mailings, group or individual meetings, etc.). We must have a clear and effective organisation in each of our plants to ensure compliance with this Charter. We are obliged to keep all the documentation necessary to certify compliance with this charter and the laws in force in terms of fundamental rights and the environment. We therefore agree to make these documents available for our customers' CSR audits.
In addition, we will progressively encourage our partners, suppliers and subcontractors to have equivalent policies with regard to human rights and the environment.

Epsilon and its stakeholders are committed to fighting climate change and protecting the environment. This commitment is reflected in the identification of our environmental risks and the responsible use of natural resources to prevent pollution. To this end, we encourage better management and recovery of our waste, and behaviour that leads us to reduce our energy consumption in line with the principles of sustainable development.

With this in mind, chemicals and other substances that have a negative impact on the environment are identified and treated with precaution: safe handling, transport, storage, recycling, reuse and destruction. Industrial water and residues generated by the various operations, industrial processes and sanitary facilities are monitored, controlled and treated before being discharged. All types of waste are reduced or eliminated at source through practices such as production modification, plant maintenance, alternative materials, conservation, recycling and component recovery. Emissions of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), aerosols, corrosives, particulates, ozone and other emissions related to operations are inventoried, monitored, controlled and treated whenever possible before release

Epsilon requires all its employees to adhere strictly to the principles of transparency and honesty in their business dealings. We apply zero tolerance to all forms of corruption. We define bribery as an illegal act carried out by a natural or legal person(s) to gain access to privileges not intended for them or in return for a favour.

We are committed to the highest standards of business integrity. We do not tolerate any practice that is incompatible with the principles of honesty, integrity and fairness in all our business relationships. To this end, Epsilon's suppliers are expected to conduct their business according to ethical standards consistent with our own. Epsilon's ethical standards are contained in our Statement of Business Integrity.

Suppliers and subcontractors must not engage in unfair competition or corruption of any kind.

Stakeholders (suppliers, subcontractors and local authorities) undertake to comply fully with the obligations arising from this Social Charter. They also undertake to contribute in good faith to enable Epsilon to monitor compliance with the Charter. To this end, the stakeholders undertake in particular to allow free access to its premises, offices and production units to members of the Company and/or internal auditors.

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