• Implementation of skill forecasting mechanism (GPEC)  - Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences – integrating employees annual assessment with a continual access to the software in use; a facility of professional mobility within the enterprise which facilitates a motivating professional career and allows internal recruitment.
  • An average of 284 recruitments in 2023, excluding  machinists, 5.33% of which are in house in order to promote internal mobility
  • SMART objectives set at each beginning of the year to challenge employees within the framework of management by objectives
  • A training plan to accompany the employees in developing their skills and abilities both in organizational and managerial techniques with 13 273 training hours and internship in 2023 and a new training plan planned for 2024; each new employee undergoes a 3-day induction and training course on arrival
  • Numerous internal and external training packages led by national or international experts.
  • A foreign language training center for employees wishing to improve their French and English
  • A coaching and support for managers in partnership with an international cabinet
  • A scale of remuneration and promotion based on multiskilling and merits

Some figures: 68% of the workforces are aged between 26 and 45 and 12.3% between 18 and 25, Epsilon takes part in integrating youth into company; 24.27% of the workforces have more than 15 years’ service and 79.13% less than 5 years.
A high rate of the use of banking facilities at 99% in 2023 and a very low staff turnover: less than 1.64%

Promoting skills development by making the most of everyone's skills so that all employees are in the ‘right place’ within the company

- A structure that encourages individual development and mobility
- The Lean management culture is instilled in all employees to optimise working methods, reduce waste and improve working conditions.
- New work clothes are issued every year

Decent quality of work conditions and assurance of internal mobility for all our employees.

  • The company provides its workforce with transport vehicles
  • 26 large buses carrying 100 employees per trip and 5 small 30-seater buses
  • 9 small 20-seater buses for managers
  • The canteen daily serves a lunch and a snack
  • A health center in the company premises to supervise closely the employees’ health.
  • The entire workforces are enrolled at Cnaps (caisse de prévoyance sociale) and are contributors at Ostie (Organisme de Santé Tananarivienne Inter-Entreprise).
  • A specific pay grid with a steady increases in wages
  • Salary increases averaging 10% each year.
  • A production monthly premium, an annual bonus and some merit bonus
  • A sports room available to the staff with Zumba sessions, ballroom, dancing lessons, Tae bo. A monthly group session for the remaining staff.
  • The company provides the funds for competitions: football, athleticism, basketball, ping pong, petanque, volley-ball;  and provides adequate infrastructures: football ground, basket-ball ground, sports hall
  • Provision of appropriate personal protective equipment for each position
  • Provision of an individual locker for all employees
  • Access to drinking water and decent toilets
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